Saturday, August 13, 2016

Iron Poisoning

A 29 yf ingested an unknown quantity of iron pills to commit suicide.
The following is /are true or false :

1- Indications for deferoxamine therapy in pregnant patients are different from those for other patients

 Indications for deferoxaminetherapy in pregnant patients are the same as those for other patients

2-Significant number of pills on abdominal radiograph is an indication of deferoxamine treatment.


3-Many adult iron preparations are too large to be removed from the holes in an orogastric lavage tube, limiting the value of lavage in this setting.


4-The etiology of the shock state may be hypovolemic, distributive, or cardiogenic, depending on the time of onset 


5-"Relative stability" or "Quiescent phase") occurs from 72 to 96 hours after ingestion and is a period of apparent recovery.

6-24 hours

6-Bowel obstruction: two to eight weeks after ingestion is characteristics of stage 4

Stage 5

7-Ferrous gluconate =(12 percent elemental iron) &
Ferrous sulfate (20 percent elemental iron)&
Ferrous fumarate (33 percent elemental iron


8-Deferoxamine challenge test (DFO) is  advocated as a method to confirm the ingestion of a toxic dose of iron.

Is no longer advocated

9-Iron is not well adsorbed by charcoal


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