Showing posts with label Hypothermia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypothermia. Show all posts

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Hypothermia and ecg changes


Hypothermia is defined as body temp below 95 F or 35 C + altered mental status and neurodeficit (i.e. Ataxia)

Hypothermic heart is prone to arrythmias, incl V fib

Importently ::: most acurate way to determine a patients temp is via Esophageal thermometer (better than rectal or bladder) !!!

Cold Stress:

Something hypothermia do to the system:: We can say it as Cold stress

Cold stress>> Slowing of Physiologic functions (metabolism, enzymatic reactions)>> it will result in 2 things

1.. Decreased automaticity

2. Decreased Conduction ability of cardiac tissue

1 & 2 >> will lead to conduction delay

As a result of this mechanism> Related ECG findings will be found as in the above case i.e: PR prolongation, QRS widening, Bradyarrythmias, J (OsBorn) wave, irregular baseline (shivering induced)

Difference between STE and J wave is given in this picture

Next Question comes in mind, what are the major Culprits in Hypothermia

There are few::

1. Heat Loss (accidental cold exposure may be ;)

2. Vasodilation: - Drugs, -Alcohol, - Sepsis

3. Impaired Heat Production: -Endocrine disorder, - malnutrition, - Hypoglycemia

4. Iatrogenic: -Massive Transfusion, - Dialysis, -Intentional Hypothermia protocol goes wrong

5. Impaired Thermoreglation:: -SPinal cord injury, - CVA, Hypothalamic injury

Now i am going to explain some pathophysiology and hemodynamics in Hypothermia

Initially there will be increase in SVR via vasoconstriction to prevent heat loss and maintain core temperature.

This will result in increased central blood volume>> causing an inhibition of ADH release>> resulting into large quantities od dilute urine (cold induced Diuresis)>> resulting into HYPOTENSION

This cold results into these changes above, so while treating these patients we should be careful as our patient may need/ has>> Labile Vital Signs (possible pressor needs), Fluid requirements accordingly

Credits: IMCore

I hope we learnt today something. More facts to come soon

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